Britain Drops Missiles on Syria – An act of War?
British Pilots have dropped missiles in Syria, in an act of aggression against the country and against International Law. Not only do we have the British attacking Syria from the skies, but the US sending in more recently trained terrorists via Turkey.
The British Government are attacking Syria under the guise of retaliation for the ISIS killer, who killed Britons in Tunisia, which had nothing to do with Syria. The gunman trained in Libya, so if they were serious about stopping ISIS they should attack the training camp in Libya. Not attack Syria who are also being attacked by ISIS.
Obama has been trying to invade Syria for 5 years now and looks for any little excuse to do so. To get Britain involved he puts British pilots in US planes, which will mean if Syria shoots down one of these planes in defence of the country, two countries will be involved.
This Obamas way of getting Britain involved in another American war.
Obama has been trying to overthrow the Syrian Government and put terrorists in charge of the country, with a dichotomy of lies. The first saying that President Assad was killing his own people and trying to blame it on non-existent terrorists. The world now knows there are terrorists in Syria and that they are funded and trained by the US.
Then there were the lies about chemical weapon attacks, which were proved as lies. Then we had all the fake beheadings, that were made in a studio. The list goes on and on, but Obama will not give up on spreading his idea of freedom around the world. Saying he is invading Syria to protect American borders will not wash anymore, as Syria has never been a threat to US borders, but Obamas’s actions have made ISIS a threat to the US for years to come. If Obama gets his way and ISIS takes over the Syrian Government, it will be the start of IS spreading into Europe and 23 million more refugees. So why the hell is Cameron helping Obama with his crazy ideology.
MoD admits UK personnel carry out Syrian bombings, despite Parliament not authorising action.
The House of Commons voted against military action in Syria in 2013 and parliamentary authorisation has so far been given only to UK air strikes against ISIL in neighbouring Iraq.
David Cameron was aware that British pilots have been involved in bombing Syria, Number 10 said.
David Cameron is now just as bad as Tony Blair for starting wars. This time it could be the start of the big one. Obama has made no secret of using ISIS to overthrow President Assad and now Britain is helping him do it. It won’t be the US that will suffer the fall out of refugees, it will be Europe and Britain.
Filed under: war crimes Tagged: Attacks on Syria, David Cameron, ISIL, Obama, President Bashar Al Assad, syria, USA